Book Meeting Room - Booking room made easy

Your questions answered

In most cases you should be able to find an answer to your question here. However after reading through and you still can't  see an answer please do not hesitate to email customercare and we will respond within a few hours (Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00 GMT). Email received after 17:00 GMT will be responded to the next business day.

To talk to us directly call:
+353 1 5611917


System Announcements & New Features

We hate SPAM so we don't send out emails to our customers shouting about all our new tweaks and developments on a regular basis. (Only on exceptionl releases  or Key system announcements where the item impacts on how something works). 

We will post all new features on our "NEW" page so we encourage you to drop back from time to time to check them out.


frequently asked questions

What are the basic requirements to use the BookMeetingRoom service?

The BookMeetingRoom Service is accessed via the internet using a standard internet browser. room supports Internet Explorer (IE), FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera browsers. BookMeetingRoom needs both cookies and javascript enabled in your browser in order to operate correctly. Cookies must be turned on so that the application can maintain your session and recognise who you are. Extensive use of Javascript and AJAX is employed to provide a desktop-like functionality and enhanced user experience to users.

How do we update or change credit card details?

The account owner can change credit card details by clicking on the "My Info" tab. Once on the My Info screen, click the grey "Billing Details" sub-Tab near the top of the screen.

How do I upgrade/downgrade, add/subtract rooms and/or bookers?

The account owner is the only person who can upgrade or downgrade the account or make adjustments to rooms managed or Bookers allowed. Changing your plan is easy. Just click on the "Account" tab and you'll see your current subscrition plan options.

You can upgrade or downgrade at any time. You can add or subtract rooms managed or bookers allowed at any time.

NOTE: if you downgrade from a Premium account to a Basic Account all Usage Reports will be immediated and permanently deleted. If you want change down the number of rooms managed and/or bookers allowed, you must first delete any rooms or bookers not required in advance.

Upgrades, downgrades and adjustments to rrom and bookers take effect immediately. The new monthly fee begins at the start of your next billing date.

Can I pay a year in advance rather than every month?

Yes, You can pay yearly in advance by selecting the Yearly payment schedule on the Billing Information Page. Click on the MY INFO Tab and then on the Grey 'Billing Details' sub-tab. On the next Billing date you will be charged 12 times your current monthly subscription plan fee minus a discount. The full amount will be credited to your account. At every 30 day billing period we will debit your account by your subscription plan fee until your credit has run out. When your credit has run out you will be charged a yearly payment fee minus discount again. Invoices are automatically emailed to the account owner every time a charge is applied.

Important Note:
At any 30 day billing period the value of your subscription plan on that date is the amount that will be debited from your account. You can therefore upgrade, downgrade and adjust your plan at any time during the year as required.

Do you accept EFT, Cheques, Postal Orders or Money Orders?

In order to provide to best service and payment options to customers we have built automated Credit Card and Debit Card (Visa, Mastercard and Laser) payments processing. Using credit/debit card payment allows you to pay monthly, or annually in advance (with 5% discount).

Once you've signed up you can set the payment schedule from the MY INFO -> Billing Details Page. Invoices are automatically emailed to the account owner every time a charge is applied and copies are available on the Acounts Page.

We have recently introduced cheque payment processing for Government and local authorities. If you want to avail of this process, which involves manual intervention, you must pay for two (2) years service fee in advance. No discount is avaialble for payment by cheque.

Note: As no credit card is attached to an account that is paid via cheque, your account will be suspended automatically when credit becomes used up.

Do you offer special pricing or volume discounts for larger organisations?

We believe that the price we charge for our service represents real value to all customers. Furthermore each customer can control their costs minutely via simple subscription plan adjustment ensuring maximum pricing flexibility and absolute fairness. If you feel after examination that your organisation deserves special consideration or is of larger scale do not hesitate to contact us to negotiate a custom pricing package.

How can I cancel my BookMeetingRoom account?

The account owner is the only person who can cancel the account. To cancel, click on the "Account" tab. Once you are on the Account page, scroll to the section that says "Need to cancel your account?" Click the link that says, "Please cancel my account (I understand this is irreversible)."

Important Note: There is no undo for account cancellation. If you elect to cancel your account, all your data will be immediately and permanently deleted.

Is there a refund policy?

BookMeetingRoom offers a free 30-day trial on new accounts. Your first charge will occur 30 days after you sign up if you enter credit card details. If you cancel before this first charge attempt date, you will not be charged at all. You can also cancel at any time after your first charge and will not be charged again after that. There are no refunds made for partial months, credited months nor for non-use of your account.

Where can I get a copy of an invoice?

Click the Account tab. All invoices are listed on this page.

What is an account owner?

An account owner is the person who originally set up your BookMeetingRoom account. The account owner is the only person who can upgrade, downgrade or adjust plans, add room, add bookers, edit system settings, change billing information, and cancel the account.

If you need to reassign the account owner contact us at customercare at

What is an administrator or Admin user?

Administrators can make bookings, edit all bookings and make changes to system settings, add new bookers add new rooms and more. They can basically do anything except for cancelling, upgrading downgrading or adjusting subscription plans, or viewing/changing billing details (the Account Owner is the only person who can do this).

What is a "Viewer"?

A "Viewer" is a special user who only has right to view booking information, but no rights to book or make any changes to existing bookings. The user type "Viewer" was added to allow Catereers or Cleaning Staff to have access to booking information to fulfill their duties.

What is SSL and why is it used on BookMeetingRoom?

SSL is an acronym for "Secure Socket Layer", a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. This protocol is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as PAYPAL to keep your information safe and secure during transactions. BookMeetingRoom uses Password protection and SSL to ensure your communications between your browser and BookMeetingRoom is absolutely private and secure.

How can I change my BookMeetingRoom URL?

The account owner is the only person who can change your BookMeetingRoom Url. Click on the MY INFO tab and then select the grey Systems Settings sub-tab near the top of the page. No data or information will be lost.

Important Note: When you change your URL your old URL will no longer work. make sure you inform all staff and clients of the change.

Can everyone see Meeting Notes and Meeting Labels?

Meeting Labels and Meeting Notes are not available to users who are not logged in to ensure strict privacy. General Users (bookers) who are logged in can see Meeting Labels for all bookings, but cannot see Meeting notes (except for their own bookings). Admin Users can see Labels and Meeting Notes for all Bookings.

Is BookMeetingRoom available in other languages besides English?

At this time is only available in English. However, the majority of system labels on all general user screens can be changed by you to your local language. This allows you to localize the application to suit the language needs of your local staff.

Login as account owner; then selecting the "MY INFO" tab you will see a sub-tab marked "Labels". This new feature provides access to the majority of normal systems "Labels" that would be seen by normal users of the system. You can change these to your local language and save.

What happens if I upgrade, downgrade or adjust rooms/bookers in the middle of a month?

When you upgrade from a Basic Plan to a Premium Paln you are instantly upgraded but you won't have to pay the higher fee until your next billing date. Similarly if you increase the number of rooms managed or the number of bookers allowed the effect is immediate, however you will not be charged for the additional adjustments until your next billing date.

If you downgrade to a Basic Plan from a Premium Plan you are instantly downgraded, but you don't begin paying the lower fee until your next billing date. Important Note: All reporting data are immediately deleted when you downgrade from a Premium account.

Do we need to install BookMeetingRoom on our own pc or server?

No software download or installation is required. No additional hardware is required. The BookMeetingRoom application is delivered as a service over the Internet. All you need is an Internet connection and a standard Internet Browser. We maintain the servers that run the application. We look after security, updates and improvements so you don’t have to.

Do you provide telephone support?

We provide unlimited customer support to paying customers via email. We respond to all requests within 4 hours when our office is open (10:00 – 18:00GMT MON-FRI) and by the next business day for requests made outside of these hours. We do not outsource technical support or customer care to a third party therefore all questions are answered by knowledgeable employees of Active Online.

To access customer care or technical support simply use the link on the top of your screen marked “Report a bug or request a new feature”. A customer support form will appear where you can make a request or ask a question.

In the event of an emergency you can contact technical support at our Dublin HQ by calling +353 1 8666 116

Can you customise BookMeetingRoom for us?

At this time there is only one version of software hosted at This allows us to maintain the software and apply improvements and upgrades for everyone’s benefit at the same time. Some user customisation is possible via the MY INFO tab for Notice board messages, some basic colour changes and recently; label customization has been introduced to allow account owners to change the main English label descriptions to suitable descriptions in their preferred language.

You can of course suggest a new feature for consideration at any time. We will evaluate these and respond to you within 24 hours.

Are there any hidden fees such as cancellation fees we should be aware of?

The answer is NO!. We don’t charge any registration fees, cancellation fees, or other sneaky fees. You simply pay a monthly or annual subscription fee based on the plan you’ve chosen and the adjustments you have made within that particular plan.

What email notifications does bookmeetingroom issue?

When a registered user makes a booking, a confirmation/notification email is sent to the booker and to any email address the booker has asked for notification to be delivered to (booking form).

When a booking is changed, email confirmations/notifications of the new details are sent to the user and his/her notification list.

Email notifications are issued to account for:- billing issues, software updates, and important system messages.